Our Team

Our agency model means we are able to assemble the right team, at the right time for your requirements. The fine folk above are just some of our great creative minds, and there are many more we call upon as needed.

Our Good Gravy team
is led by Lina Montero Soto

I decided to set up Good Gravy, because I simply don’t believe you can get the best for your clients if you’re not 150% invested in their challenges, brands and budgets, as if they were your own.

I’ve worked with plenty of talented people over the years, across both the agency and client side. Out of that group, I assembled a smorgasbord of experts with similar passions for ‘doing what’s best for the client’. We’ve done it differently though as we pick the most appropriate experts to work on specific campaigns. There’s no need for expensive overheads and real estate, not with all the remote working capabilities available today.

Instead, we put our energies into developing strategic and creative toolkits and processes that can take marketers from brand problem chaos to sustainable campaign clarity and results. So Good Gravy clients don’t have to miss out on top-notch marketing brilliance because of limited resources.

We’re very conscious of the value we want to add every day. All the independent thinkers and creatives at Good Gravy are experts at what they do, speaking every language in the marketing ecosystem. They are well versed in the multifaceted pain points that marketers endure regularly and are united by our Good Gravy philosophy, which is to ‘do good by our clients, so they can be great’.